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The act of partaking in platonic activites with a member of the opposite sex which, while appearing innocent on the surface, may be construed as inappropriate by a significant other. Pseudo-dating often involves mild flirtation and may progress to actual "dating" down the road.

My boyfriend gets very uncomfortable when I go on pseudo-dates with my handsome coworker.

I stopped pseudo-dating after we became serious because I wouldn't want him to do it to me.

by WTZ_82 February 28, 2008

19👍 11👎


"THAT" guy - you know the one... 20-something yuppie-in-training, lives with old college buddies in a messy apartment, never has toilet paper in the bathroom; loves life, beer, pizza, and hot 20-something girls although is hesitant to commit.

"... yeah, we met last weekend for drinks - he was as cute as I remember - but he's TOTALLY 20-Something-Guy!"

"He's still in 20-something-guy mode, but I'm hopeful he'll grow out of that by the time he's 30."

by WTZ_82 February 5, 2008

14👍 5👎


Verb of Strategy: The action of coming up with a strategy.

Thinking strategically about a situation or business challenge.

A contemporary non-word that has gained acceptance as appropriate business terminology.

After the focus group results are tabulated we will strategize the best communication tactic based on the insights obtained.

I had been strategizing for weeks as to how I would complete the assignment on time and within budget.

by WTZ_82 February 5, 2008

12👍 2👎