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It's a simple word equation ok" stuppers!"?

Stupy = Stupid + Goofy, but don't be fooled so quick. These individual(s), sometimes household pets, primarily cats and dogs, can most often be CLEVER in nature (like a 🐍 oil salesmen, i.e Trump, or a Siamese Cat) with the behaviour of Someone OR Something that can and WILL "STUPIFY" the character of Someone or Something by pissing them off.

Friend #1 "Hey! Brian...do you want to go out and get "Stupy" with me tonight?"

Brian: Hell Yeah! I love getting "Stupy" but please do not, for the sake of our group, "STUPIFY" anyone! I want NO "STUPIFIED" bulllllllshit!.

by WUGAMBINO January 31, 2021

3👍 2👎

Helmet Hang

Basically, you laying there dead on the pavement with a white chalk outline of your dead carcass due to a large caliper weapon(like a .44) used to blow your brains out with one hollow tip. Leaving you lying there for everyone to see with your Helmet (slang obviously for head) Hung or Hanging in a Hung position.

Gangster #1 -"Holy Shit Blood, look at that dam cat over there chalked out in white!"

Gangster #2 "Oh shit, his helmet is def hangin! Yo, it must of been a "fo fo" for sho!" Now that's a Helmet Hang if I ever seen one!!!

by WUGAMBINO January 30, 2022