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An internet based search engine which is often promoted by computer experts for its speed, reliability, and level of service. While it is not necessarily as graphically attractive as some of the other search engines, it performs its job much better though this can be argued than most search engines currently in existence.

To simplify, the difference between Clusty and <random search engine> is the same as the difference between Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. Nuff said.

"As opposed to Goggle, Clusty has no cookies which expire after 35 years."

by Walex December 1, 2004

7👍 26👎


The defintion of this word has been removed since it has been deemed unlawful to display it in public domain, under ammendment 15th to the convention treaty of 1987.

See section 7B for further details.

<censored> has recently been used against the <censored> in order to demonstrate the <censored> of <censored>.

by Walex December 11, 2003

632👍 190👎