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A town on the west coast of the North Island of New Zealand.

Great place to reside if you're a scum bag, beneficiary, criminal, or arsehole, then you can spend your weekends pissing your welfare money up against the wall at Moda or the Bull 'n' Gate.

Or you can stay at home and watch our gay mayor on dancing with the stars.

Well worth the journey........... my hairy nuts, It think it would be a much better town if we shot dead all the welfare bludging assholes, and turned castlecliff into a fenced off ghetto.

Other than that, nice place...really it is.

Mayor of Wanganui Michael Laws - "Damm i look good in spandex and makeup"

Member of the mongrel mob - " Lets go have a drink at Moda and spend all this hard earned welfare money"

by Wanganuipride May 15, 2007

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