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A Cataphile is a person who frequents and loves the Catacombs in Paris, France. They are underground explorers who know and sometimes spend days in the tunnels beneath the city, which are technically off-limits to the public and illegal to be in.

"I didn't come up for three days, I went to see a Mexican Perforation show and had a picnic lunch at the beach... it was amazing.."
"You're such a Cataphile"

by WaningMoon March 22, 2006

15👍 3👎


1. A motor company called "general motors"
2. The General Manager of a company.

1. Did you see GM's new van? My mom wants one.
2. The GM doesn't like your work, if you don't get crackin' he's gonna' fire you!

by WaningMoon March 22, 2006

88👍 81👎