Source Code


AKA "Gas Outta Satan's Ass." This drink is fuckin' illegal in most states. A coma inducing 95% alcohol content will shit-can you in 2 or 3 shots. Not a good thing if you want to keep taking jello shots of a chick's tit. Bacardi 151 pales in comparison.

Everclear will ice your ass into the afterlife.

by Wasabimoto August 29, 2009

313πŸ‘ 181πŸ‘Ž

The Liquid Seat

A sex act that two or three people do while having sex. One person lays down flat on their back, while the second person cums on the first person's face. After ejaculating on the face, the second person sits on the face. This causes the spooge to smear all over his/her buttcrack, buttcheeks, or butthole. afterwards, he/she continues to pleasure the first person to finish the job.

Guy 1: "Holy fuck! You gave her the Liquid Seat last night after prom? That's disgusting!"

Guy 2: "Yep, but it felt good once she started licking my asshole once I sat on her face."

by Wasabimoto April 20, 2007

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Something most poeple on Urbandictionary, and the world, obviously know nothing about.

Most teenagers who claim to be satanists do not know the concept of Satanism themselves.

LaVeyan Satanism is the type of satanism where you practice self-indulgence, and believe that you are your own god. Nothing fucked-up or rebellious about that.

Theistic Satanism is the type of satanism where you actually do believe in and worship a literal Satan.

There is no reason to call this religion ridiculous, just take a look at Scientology.

People who hear the word "Satanism" quickly assume it is pure evil.

by Wasabimoto January 16, 2008

613πŸ‘ 129πŸ‘Ž

Shit Canned

Usually a way to say someone is fired.

But can also mean that they've been fuckin' owned.

Those people in the WTC got shit canned.

by Wasabimoto August 14, 2009

13πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

disney channel

The worst channel on Television. They're always showing stupid sluts perform their shitty songs. Hannah Montana is one of them. The channel shows gay shows like Lilo and Stitch, That's So Raven!, Lizzie Mcguire, and wannabe japanese anime.

That's so Raven on the Disney channel should be called That's So Fucking Gay.

by Wasabimoto March 27, 2007

684πŸ‘ 370πŸ‘Ž

Playstation 4

A system due to be released in 2010 or 2011.
Bound to cost over 9000 dollars upon release.

Said to include the following:

Over 9000 GB.
Satellite T.V.
Hologram movie format
Classic DVD/Blue-Ray/HD-DVD formats
Phone service
DVR capabilities
Virtual Console
Music receiver
Mini refridgerator
Nuclear Powered
Home security system
...more to be specified.

The bundle pak is said to contain a new Tennis game and a war game. Most likely Call of Duty 5 or 6.

Oh, yeah. Can't wait to record Golden Girls with my ballin'-ass Playstation 4!

by Wasabimoto June 14, 2008

223πŸ‘ 166πŸ‘Ž


When you believe in more the one god; The act of believing in many gods; The antonym for Monotheistic.

Polytheistic: The Greeks believed in more than one god. In fact, they believed in over 20 gods. A god of the Sea (Poseidon), a god of war, wisdom and skill (Athena), a god of love (Eros), and a god of thunder (Zeus), who was the main god. There was also a god of the Underworld (Hades).

by Wasabimoto April 12, 2007

31πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž