Source Code

Post count

On internet forums, post count is obviously the counter that tells a person how many posts they've made. Many users tend to be smug as fuck off their post count, and act shitty towards others with lower posts, even if the guy with the lower posts has been around longer. People with astronomically high post counts tend to think they're part of the staff.

Look at the post count of this obnoxious fuckface... He made 33,000 posts since registering 6 months ago. What a fatass loser.

by Wasabimoto September 20, 2010

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A feeling you get when you see or hear something you dislike so much, you wanna kickbox the shit out of it. Usually, when you hate something, you want to punch, kick or hit it with a blunt object, such as an aluminum baseball bat. It feels great when you release your hatred, whether by destroying things, such as a wall or hotel room, or by fighting.

I HATE that asswipe so much, everytime he comes around, I feel like doing a roundhouse kick to his face.

by Wasabimoto May 27, 2007

141πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


1. Something so ugly and or fat, all you can say is "Whaaaat the fuuuck...?"

2. The name of an ugly-ass pokemon, which is the evolution of Rhydon.

1. I was dumbfounded at how Rhyperior that bitch at the party was.

2. Rhyperior is a fucking ugly pokemon.

by Wasabimoto September 3, 2010

18πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


What everyone in the United States (Including Richy Rich) is bound to be if these gas prices don't stop rising.

Poor people, look out, because things are about to get a whole lot worse.

You too, Richy Rich.

by Wasabimoto July 11, 2008

435πŸ‘ 147πŸ‘Ž

Xbox Customer Service

Horrible customer service, really. They will not take "NO" for an answer. For example, you try to remove your credit card info from your account, instead, the guy keeps trying to persuade you into buying more shit until you hang up or give in. Fucking assholes.

Me: "See, I can't have my account automatically renew itself because I don't have the dough. And I don't have internet anymore."

Xbox Customer Service: Yeah... well, I completely understand. I mean times are hard and the economy is bad, but see, you get 3 months for 14.99 and 400 Microsoft points free to use at your leisure."

*senario repeats*

by Wasabimoto November 27, 2010

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Wasabi Master

A truely superior being who lives, breathes, eats, pisses and shits wasabi. Their veins run with wasabi. They use wasabi as lubricant on their condoms. Wasabi Masters are able to do wasabi-type attacks, such as Wasabi Wind Attack, which blows wasabi, in the form of gas, into the faces of weaklings who cannot handle wasabi and it's incredible power.

Steve-O would've been on his way to achieving "Wasabi Master" status, if he didn't throw up after snorting some of that green shit.

by Wasabimoto March 25, 2010

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Aka The Good Shit. Usually no higher than 40%, but will kick your ass. Usually tastes like pepper. Avoid drinking Margaritaville, which tastes the worst when drunk straight and get a Sauza, which has the same percentage and tastes like nothing.

Damn that tequila kicked my ass.

by Wasabimoto August 29, 2009

32πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž