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Burnt hills boys

All fuckboys lame ass hoes. The only decent ones are butt munches. Once the see one good looking girl they tell all their friends and talk about asses boobs and how much a thot girls they know are. If your looking for a boyfriend I highly suggest you don’t look in burnt hills

burnt hills boys are lame asl dude

by Wereallhoesontheinside May 30, 2018

5👍 2👎

Human beings

Human beings are animals. We should not be forced to work or go to school, neither be sexualized by nudity or shoulders. We are animals we shouldn’t even be wearing clothes that’s not how it was intended to be so stfu about my bra strap showing hoe

Human beings really be dumb.

by Wereallhoesontheinside May 30, 2018

27👍 8👎