Source Code

Raging Bull

The best movie of the 80's. A powerful, raw and poetic masterpiece.

-Raging Bull is the greatest movie of the 80's. Don't you agree Arlo?
-No, I am going to say-- Taxi Driver.
But that came out in 1976.
-Oh, then Evil Dead II.
-You're a dumbass.
-I know. I am about to leave for the Korova Milk Bar, chat later. We're talking good horrorshow.
-Peace out bitch.

by Wes December 11, 2004

96πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


Sex. Intercourse.

Dude, I would so like to crush her.

Did you crush it?

I'd crush it.

by Wes August 20, 2003

16πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


Framastat: Any or all pieces of a contraption of any type that you do not know what it really is.

Hey dad, what's that next to the spark plug? That would be the framastat little Billy.

by Wes August 11, 2004

16πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


short for Rolls-royce, a type of luxury car, used mostly by pimps as an escortation vehicle, or just to show off to the ladies

That pimped out royce is mine.

by Wes April 22, 2003

161πŸ‘ 117πŸ‘Ž

emo kids

Teens who believe everything that MTV tells them to be gospel, and waste their parents' hard-earned money on flimsy band t-shirts, box-framed glasses and other pre-packaged merchandise courtesy of their local Hot Topic store. Not to mention the CD's containing the emo music, which is a waste of money in itself, because by the time these kids are 23 none of it will even matter.

Bands such as Dashboard Confessional have no reason to cry, because you idiots make them rich.

You don't have to listen to shitty music and wear stupid clothes just to be different. We are all different, and a "crowd" is an abstract idea, not a real thing. It's you who label yourself, not other people. Don't spend money and time chasing uniqueness; you were born with it.

Aww hell, nobody listens to Wes. Screw it. Waste your money.

by Wes July 27, 2004

57πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž


Crazy... in hindi aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaaa

you are paagal...
Tum paagal hai!

by Wes March 11, 2005

46πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. One of the best non-profit groups in the county dedicated to stopping the prosecution of marijuana users. NORML seeks the decriminalization of marijuana in order to take it off the street and away from criminals. An organization dedicated to protecting the American citizen. Join your local chapter.


"I'm NORML."
"NORML is kick ass."

by Wes March 10, 2005

270πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž