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Dave the Laugh

Absolutle cutest fictitious boy in the world by far. A character in the Georgia Nicolson series by Louise Rennison, Dave the Laugh is a witty lad with an edgy sense of humor.

Dave the laugh got in trouble for putting a "For Sale" sign on his school.

by WestCoastLisa January 27, 2006

356πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž

Boy Crying

That odd thing that boys do when they want to cry, but feel like they cannot becuase they are boys. They sort of turn away and pretend to be tired, or have something in their eye, or be rubbing out a headache. It's both sad and a bit funny to watch. Sometimes it works to get sympathy, tho they ussually do not intend this.

I was upset and had a serious conversation with my boyfriend, Jake. I told him that he has no direction in his life. I realized I was being too harsh when he started boy crying. It was very sad.

Sam got hit in the nuts with a baseball, and he started boy crying as he ran away.

by WestCoastLisa January 11, 2006

58πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


(K`yoo-tih-full) Common alternate spelling of cutiful. A person who is cute, with a beautiful personality. Often innocent and widley liked by peers.

Sam took Britney to a carnival for Valentines Day. They are so cuteiful.
Jenifer started crying when she saw the guy she liked hook up with another girl. It would have been annoying except that she is undeniabley cuteiful.

by WestCoastLisa January 23, 2006

45πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


To embarassingly sabatoge one's own chance at success moments before acheivement by becoming overly confident and showing off. Derived from U.S. snowboarder Lindsay Jacobellis' tumble at the 2006 Olympics.

Jimmy pulled a major Jacobellis the other day. He was almost at the finish line for the 400 meter, then he started dancing, and tripped. The other runners stepped on him, and he came in last. Poor Jimmy.

by WestCoastLisa February 20, 2006

75πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Large out door mall in Pasadena, Ca. The stores are aimed at conservative women married to rich attorneys, but Paseo tends to be crawling with their sons and daughters instead- ussually free spirited scene kids chillin' and wearing awesome pants (from urban outfitters). That's pasadena for you.

Mr. and Mrs. Madison just dropped Laura off at paseo in their Lexus. Laura is wearing tight pants and vitage jewelry as she chills and pretends not to know her parents.

by WestCoastLisa January 27, 2006

34πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Alternate spelling of the word Agg. A word that kids from the OC use because they are too Ag to say "cool". The word Ag can be used to replaces pretty much any slang, for example: cool, awesome, badass, sweet, and even some negative words like shit, fuck, or damn it.

"We're getting pizza? Oh, Ag! I love pizza! Pizza is so Ag!"
or on the negative side, "Ag me, the pizza place is closed." and "The pizza place is closed all next week? Oh Ag."

by WestCoastLisa June 1, 2006

26πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž

Headphone Malfunction

When you have headphones (often ipod headphones) in your ears, and they unexpectedly get yanked out, causing shock, trauma, and disorientaion for a breif moment. Not a pleasant experience.

I was walking down the hall, and my headphones got caught on a door handle and yanked out. I was like "Oh my God, headphone malfunction!"

by WestCoastLisa June 11, 2006

46πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž