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Located in Sheehy Hall on the sprawling South Campus of Umass Lowell, 302 is generally regarded as a cesspool. As a general requirement, one must not only be a total asshole, he must also be a blatant homosexual (not that there's anything wrong with that), enjoy masturbating to hours of Anime porn in one stretch, and must speak fluent French. There's a reason that this suite is all the way at the end of the hall: it's an attempt to shield the generally innocent population of Sheehy/Concordia from the high levels of gay emanating from 302. Seriously, what kind of people go "secret missions" while wearing Revlon? I know what kind of people. Those total labia-faces from 302. That's who.

Hubert: Hey man, do you smell something slightly reminiscent of ten year aged dick cheese stuffed inside a dirty hooker?

Codsworth: Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's 302. Douchebags.

by WetLettuce February 9, 2009

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