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1) An internet slang in which it implies to anyone online behaving or saying things that are against the mainstream, usually angering a certain fandom populace. These things are often in forms of inane comments, senseless insults, and commonly shit-posting. "Edgy" people in the internet are often known to be trolls.
2) Anything implied as "emo-ish", like anything red-and-black or away from the norm.

OP: *posts a sexy picture of a character from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic*
Person 1: 11/10 would fuck.
Person 2: Smexy ;D
Person 3: This fandom's art never cease to amaze me.
Person 4: >people want to fuck cartoon horses

You should all fuck with a psychiatrist
Person 5: Dude, why are you even here?
Person 6: This Person 4 is edgy. THE EDGE IS REAL!

by Wezlow October 2, 2015

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