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See "Wigga", "Wigger" "Icy Hot Stuntaz" "Eminem". Suburban causasian male who attempts to mimic the language and culture of urban hip-hop. Usually spells plurals with a "z". Known to tool around in mom's tricked out "Mishishshi", "Akra" or "Hyundizzay".

Y'all stuntaz need get yo self some bakin' soda and blow, yo. Quit yo frontin', sell some doze rocks and buy yo self some bling. Flip dat bill to the back, my stunta.

by Wigga May 9, 2003

41πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž


Anyone who makes up their own words and babbles them in a monotone with tired 1990s clichés about drugs, violence, sex, and money over a repetitive beat box and synthesizer loop with his hand on his crank. Usually has several "musicians" to back him up in case the other "band" wants to steal his equipment and sell it for crack. To portray a false illusion of musical talent they usually include a female soul singer in their recording so she can hide their crack in her panties.

Y'all wiggas will buy any CD by any raptard that the media will market to your demographic. MTV is one of the biggest marketers of raptards.

by Wigga June 24, 2003

170πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


Absolutely handsome and massive cock, great sex and very romantic!!!!

Had a great time with blade last night, downstairs hurts so bad

by Wigga January 22, 2016

16πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

asl plz

Common greeting from an unidentfied Internet user requesting information about your age, gender and place of residence. Common among AOL users and trollers of chat rooms. Authors usually spells plurals with a "Z".

asl plz??? 12/m/wiggatown u? r u on aol 2? u got mail? lol u lk 50 cent? wrd 2 yr mutha. ur gay fagit.

by Wigga May 2, 2003

134πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


The man is bad and has a large cock

Ian, you Badcock, come over here and give me some lovin'

by Wigga November 28, 2003

22πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


1) Slang term for the female vagina.
2) An inept person.
3) ne 1 who spelz lk dis. r u 1??? u no who u r.

Is it in your twat yet? That's your taint?
Look at that silly twat.
r ne u twats on aol 2?

by Wigga May 9, 2003

8829πŸ‘ 6438πŸ‘Ž


Originally a slang term for fecal matter now commonly used as an all-purpose exclamation, noun, verb, adjective or adverb.

You don't get the shit unless you got the shit. And if you want the shit you gots to flaunt the shit. You gotta center the shit before you enter the shit. Make sure you choose the shit before you use the shit.
'Cause if you abuse the shit, you gonna lose the shit.

by Wigga May 2, 2003

774πŸ‘ 480πŸ‘Ž