Source Code


yo dat's OUR word not yours.

Stock rims on my Hyundai? Naw way G. Flip dat bill to the back my Wigga.
Fo shigga my Wigga.

by Wigga May 2, 2003

5πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Fix up look sharp

uk slang 4 'Get ur act togetha'

wat u playin at fool 'fix up look sharp'

by Wigga July 30, 2004

92πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


the worst insult ever, a phildo is the gayest, shittiest, dirtiest, nastiest, fattest, most diguisting scumbag ever

holy shit that phildo farted and it registered a 9.0 on the richter scale, but thank god i am in the shadow zone

by Wigga November 11, 2003

26πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

fo shigga my wigga

"For sure my wigger" I do heartily concur with that my caucasian acquaintance who wears his baseball cap with the bill to the back. I am in agreement with your query suburban crack dealer wannabe. I happen to share the same opinion there Vanilla Ice lookin' motherfucker.

Dayton rims on my hizzundizzay? Fo shigga my wigga. Da 90z r here 2 stay!

by Wigga June 24, 2003

70πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


1) Popular music from the late twentieth century. From the term "Rock and Roll" which is an old blues eupemism for sexual intercourse.
2) Crack. A mixture of baking soda and cocaine.
3) Hard formations of the earth's surface.
4) The most electrifying performer in "Sports Entertainment" today.

Rock used to rock but now all got to do to rock is to sell some rocks.
Y'all need get yo-self some baking soda and blow and hustle some rocks.
What did you get Charlie Brown? "I got a rock."
"Know your role and shut your mouth. Don't make me layeth the smackdown on your candy ass. If ya smellllll!..."

by Wigga May 13, 2003

20πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

crack pipe

Beginner's musical instrument. Popular in the 1980's and 1990's but somehow still around due to multi-level focus group marketing on behalf of the music industry. Obscene amounts of money can be made if you can master fine instrument.

Ja Rule and 50 Cent got their start on the crack pipe and now they be millionaires

by Wigga May 13, 2003

67πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


Arabic name taken from the great leader Mustaf Herod Apyuras (say it with me folks).

That Mustafa be one bad muhfugga.

by Wigga June 26, 2003

215πŸ‘ 163πŸ‘Ž