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Wild Warren

A man so alpha that he makes the universe gay for him, he is also a cowboy

“Wild Warren lives and dies by his word”

by Wild Warren December 12, 2020

Which ones doyle

A phrase the Cornwall dude from Saint Denis says to you in a soft voice when you are about to capture Etta Doyle

“You bide your time and figure out which ones Doyle”

by Wild Warren December 13, 2020

Batty Breath

This is when ones breath stinks that bad it smells like an anus

“You have batty breath”

by Wild Warren December 13, 2020

Van Nisterism

Like racism however towards the goat van nistelrooy

“What did you do with your prime van nistelrooy”
“I put him into an sbc”
“Thats van nisterism”

by Wild Warren April 7, 2022