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1 Noun- the air inhaled and exhaled in respiration.

2 Often written by uneducated people thinking they are writing "breathe" br-EE-th, when they are really just saying "breath" BREH-th

1 "Take a deep breath."

2 ImAhotty911 "I was so excited, I could barely breath."
smartygirl497 "I think you mean "breathe."
ImAhotty911 "Shut your mouth, bitch!"

by ʎppǝɹɟ ǝןqısıʌuı July 6, 2009

93👍 33👎


The reason why you are on urbandictionnary today.

Alex is alive because he is breathing air but is breath is horrible.

by IntenseDude September 20, 2009

73👍 37👎


when someone has bad breath. you look at them say breath, look them up and down lika bitch and walk off.

Jonny: heya
Lisa: breath
( she looks him up and down and walks off )

by smittysmiatt121 August 5, 2011

15👍 12👎


A year or any amount of time making you feel as if it went by quickly.

"High school went by in a breath"

by Simbim October 13, 2018

2👍 2👎


What I do best

I am talented because I know how to breathe.

by Set Blue 23 October 4, 2017

91👍 8👎


1. Inhale... exhale
2. Over-rated

Not-breathing, it's what all the cool kids do.

by acronym December 22, 2005

168👍 23👎


What you usually say to someone to get them to calm down. Espeically if they're hyperventilating.

Breathe, buddy.

by I am me. But not thee April 7, 2010

53👍 8👎