Source Code


A gay man that foolishly puts his gay lover on a pedestal treating him like a king.

You're a floobo *sips coffee*.

by WildCard+4 November 18, 2020

Jojo Reference

A subspecies of the human race that will start sining "Golden Wing" whenever:
A. Alone
B. Eating wings
C. Fucking a hot chick

Girl: Cum in my pussy!
Jojo Reference: Ok, here goes!
Girl: AaAHhhAh!
Jojo Reference: Jojo, dododododo, golden wing, dodododo
Girl: Holy shit I am pregnant
Jojo Reference: Can we name them Jojo, Dio, or Giorno?
Girl: Not yours bitch
Jojo Reference: Jojo, dododododo, golden wing, dodododo

by WildCard+4 November 18, 2020

5👍 12👎