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charging my cock

When a man is masturbating but stops before he cums to get horny for the ugly woman.

When that woman was about to have sex with me yesterday she had a hairy butt. It was a major turnoff so I told her to hold on and I went in the bathroom and I closed my eyes while charging my cock.

by Willcom September 5, 2009

8👍 1👎

Fat chick on roller skates

When a man is having sexual intercourse with a obese woman that has uncontrollable A.D.D and moves her feet around in a way that looks like she is rollerskating on air.

I just had sex for the first time with this hot fat chick too bad she was just another fat chick on roller skates.

by Willcom September 6, 2009

10👍 18👎


When you take a rare kind of shit that shoots into the toilet bowl really fast and causes water to splash on your buttocks.

I would be careful if I was you when entering that bathroom, I had major shitlash and some of the water got on the floor.

by Willcom September 6, 2009