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Jordan's, usually come in a few different shapes and sizes. They come round, they come tall, they come skinny and they also come short. And also tend to cum short literally, as they can only last an hour or so in bed. Jordan's also tend to indulge themselves in illegal activities which can vary from robbing post offices, to breaking into apartments half naked banged-out on coke. They are kind-hearted, and will do what is right. They may also appear to be somewhat ugly on the outside, but, on the inside, they're also fairly ugly. If you come across a Jordan, approach with extreme caution, as you may get robbed for your illicit items.

Passer By: Shit! Is that a Jordan?

His mate: quick, hide that flake and keep your hands in your pocket.

by WillieBigWillie November 22, 2021

Powa Flake

Slang (mainly northern) for strong cocaine often used by dealers.

Dealer's marketing text Yes g, powa flake there.

by WillieBigWillie December 7, 2021