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A term used on a popular dragon raising site, for people who, in the forum, go around (usually off-topic) noticing people's dragons and asking for an egg if their dragons breed. This is not to be confused with those looking for a legitimate trade or adoption in the designated topics. Usually, it is because the breggar saw a type of dragon they liked. It combines the words 'bred', 'egg', and 'beggar'. It is sometimes mistaken for a typo.

When the other user asked her if she could get an egg from her golds, she knew that the girl was a breggar.

by Wilted September 3, 2008

1👍 3👎


The "swine flu", an outbreak that is responsible for many deaths in Mexico during the outbreak of March and April 2009. The same Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 was also responsible for the Spanish flu pandemic that killed millions.

The pigs don't like it much, either.

Did you hear about Mexico City? It's all shut down because of swinfluenza!

by Wilted April 28, 2009

4👍 2👎

sux scene

A term for a poorly written sex scene, most commonly in fanfiction or sometimes original Internet works, describing sex scenes that are badly done, unrealistic, and pathetic. This can be because the characters are out of character, or if it is full of errors or generally badly written. The term was coined on fanfiction.net combining 'sex scene' and 'sucks'. It is usually used by people supporting better writing and good grammar.

Person One: Wow, that was horribly clichéd and unrealistic sex!
Person Two: Yeah, what a sux scene.

by Wilted May 25, 2008

14👍 4👎