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Semen, cum, sperm. Usually used to mean one has poison building up in their body and they need to get it out. Like when you get a snake bite you need to suck the poison out or get the poison out. Build up of poison can make a guy short-tempered, angry, miserable, unhappy, irritable until you can get it out of your body.

1. I've gotta go get the poison out, I'm going nuts. 2.(a) What's wrong with Pat? Seems like he's in a bad mood. (b) Nothing's wrong with him, he just needs to get the poison out and he'll be fine. 3. It's been a week since I've gotten the poison out and now it's building up and I'm going crazy. 4. Whew, I waited way too long to get the poison out. I feel so much better now. Time for a sandwich and a nap.

by WinkD October 26, 2017

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