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A Dawson is someone who can make you fall in love with just a slight smirk and a sideways glance. Nothing can describe how beautiful his sparkling blue eyes and golden brownish blonde hair shimmers in the sunlight and how his cute little smile could quite literally cure cancer. A Dawson is someone who knows how to use his looks to his advantage, he'll never admit it, but he thinks he's model-status, and most of the time he is. But he can also be kind of a douche bag, but nonetheless, he's one of the best people you will ever lay your eyes on or meet.

Person: hey! Did you see that cute guy walking by?
Other Person: Yeah! He must be a Dawson!

by Wizzoward February 14, 2019

11👍 4👎


A Caroline is someone who will be there for you no matter what. She will always put you before herself and make sure you're alive and well before she does the same for her. Not to mention, she is also absolutely stunning in every aspect of the word. And is a total genius when it comes to anything school related, and is a literal god at volleyball.

Person 1: Wow! Did you see that wicked smart girl being a boss at volleyball?
Person 2: Yeah, totally! She must be a Caroline!

by Wizzoward February 14, 2019