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Fucking Illinois Bastard
1. One who drives in the fast lane, and chooses to do the speed limit
2. Someone who cuts through 2 lanes of traffic without signalling to exit Interstate
3. Chooses to vacation in Wisconsin, where there actually are hills, and a good football team

1. Hmmm, people keep passing me, I better put a stop to that and congest this whole damn stretch of pavement
2. My exit is coming up, I had better get over...hmmm, he forgot 4 fingers when he waved at me, oh well...Well I'll be, this wasn't even my exit, dirp
3. Lets head north to Wisconsin, they have hills, and small cities, that are way more laid back than us here in Chicago...I also heard they know how to play football, and make this thing called the playoffs

by Womack March 8, 2005

675πŸ‘ 418πŸ‘Ž

antiwar protestor

Someone that is not against the war or its cause, it is someone that is just too scared to fight. See: Pussy Liberal Anti-American Hippie Democrat All Ivy League College Students

Johny: Hey look at that douche bag protesting, he is unthankful to those people in the military who believe in what they do for this country.
Charlie: Is that a swaztika on his arm?
Johny: Probably, this freedom of speech thing is way out of control, lousy democrats

by Womack March 8, 2005

20πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

mud dobber

A White Woman that prefers Black Men over the White
Usually confused and overweight to begin with
Also see: Mudshark

Ya know, if Rosie O'Donnell wasn't a fur trader, she'd definately be a Mud Dobber

by Womack March 14, 2005

15πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Word made popular by a character on South Park. Mr. Dirp. A bumbling idiotic substitute teacher that randomly hits himself in the head with a hammer, and saying Dirp. Used when someone makes a stupid mistake or makes an ass out of themself

Did you see that guy trip onto that bed of nails, dirp

by Womack March 9, 2005

108πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

gab echoud

Its douche bag spelled backwards. But its a way to one up someone if you get into a childish 3rd grade style war of words. Often leaving your opponent confused and weary of what lies next for him.
Note: The "e" is silent, so don't pronounce it, or you'll look like the gab choud

Wesley - You are a weiner.
Vladmir - Yeah, well your a Gab Echoud.
Wesley - What did you call me? I'm so confused. I suck at life.

by Womack June 21, 2005

3πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Jake would cry

This is used by the boating community to describe a shallow flat or any shallow body of water being used for vessel travel under motorized propulsion.

Crap man jake would cry itҀ™s so shallow

Dang jake would cry if he saw how shallow it is

by Womack April 25, 2023

gary bettman

the hero that had the hockey season put on hiatus

Due to gary bettman's ways of working with greedy union hockey players, who think, like all unions, that they earn more than what their worth. Season over, go back to canada

by Womack March 8, 2005

14πŸ‘ 216πŸ‘Ž