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A materialistic, wannabe-sexy Jewish woman who belongs to a specific subculture of wealth and style, with affected mannerisms and a nasal way of talking. The term is used by both Jews and Gentiles in South Africa, and even by kugels themselves.

"Hey, doll, if they want to call me a kugel, fine! Most of my gynie's patients are kugels anyway."

by Xaviana December 2, 2003

126πŸ‘ 104πŸ‘Ž


1.) A name which a man gives to his penis when dissociating himself from responsibility for its actions or reactions.

2.) A homosexual character in jokes which heterosexual people make about homosexuals. There's usually another homosexual (called Cyril) in the jokes.

1.) "It's not me doing that, it's Percy."

2.) "Cyril and Percy walk into a bar. Percy says, "Thyril, is that a gun in your pocket, or...?'" (followed by the rest of a lame joke).

by Xaviana December 2, 2003

29πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž


This is a slang word used in South Africa. It is roughly equivalent to expressions like "oh dear", "boy oh boy", "wow", "geez", "oh my!".

Aish! I forgot to save my file and now I will have to re-type it all.

by Xaviana December 1, 2003

55πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž



(From German, Afrikaans, and other Germanic languages.) Used in South Africa by many races and classes, and amongst upper class kids in England.

"Do you wanna play cards?"
"Ja, okay, what should we play?"

by Xaviana December 1, 2003

169πŸ‘ 153πŸ‘Ž


1.) a group of three people
2.) a sexual act performed by three people together
3.) a triumvirate, i.e. three people ruling a country or company together

1.) Larry, Harry and Mo were a famous threesome.
2.) "Hey, Tiffany, how about you and me and Delicia go over to my place for a threesome?"
3.) Now that Berrington has taken over the regional management, I think we're soon going to see an end to the Wallace-Kingwill-Mason threesome.

by Xaviana December 2, 2003

2596πŸ‘ 1670πŸ‘Ž


(Verb) To disturb, perturb, deter or intimidate. Usually used in the negative.

"They swore at me, but hey, I'm not phased."
"You can't phase me by talking while playing chess."

by Xaviana December 2, 2003

806πŸ‘ 277πŸ‘Ž


1. Anything that creates excitement or stimulus.
2. The feeling experienced by someone in a stimulated state.
3. Gossip.

1. "Shooting people is my latest buzz."
2. "That's nothing compared to the buzz I get from speed."
3. So what's the buzz about Michael Jackson's new baby?

by Xaviana December 2, 2003

997πŸ‘ 372πŸ‘Ž