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High School Dropout

Someone who quits the notorious High School in order to find better path that doesn't involve you wasting your time with stupid people and worthless projects. Not always a burger flipper, but it is possible.

Sometimes it is assumed that these people will get nowhere in life, but that is not always true.

Look at that high school dropout, flipping those burgers!

I became a high school dropout today, and haven't ever felt better.

I wish I never became a high school dropout

by XeroCint November 21, 2008

229👍 75👎

spit balling

v. - to shoot ideas out in the open, may cause yourself to seem like a complete dunce.

Kai was spit balling about the new iPhone, while David, in turn, shot them down.

by XeroCint March 2, 2009

145👍 17👎

green card

In states where it's legal, green cards enable you to get medical marijuana.

"Hey, man, just got my green card, let's get some pot!"

by XeroCint October 31, 2009

106👍 30👎


What happens when you buy an Apple product and a short time later they release a new and better version of the same product for a lower price.

"I had just spent my own 2300 dollars on the PowerBook G3, and then this widescreen PowerBook G4 was released like three months later. This was the very first time I felt apple'd." - Paul Miller

"Man, I can't believe they've released a new iPhone already, I was so just apple'd."

by XeroCint December 30, 2010

18👍 5👎


Alternative term for Ecstasy.

"Dude, you got the smilies?"
"Nah braheim, I only got the munchies."

by XeroCint January 22, 2010

9👍 2👎