Source Code



Greta Thunberg is an #ecofa. Greta: How dare you!

by XiJinPing November 3, 2022

Underground Voter

An ineligible voter who is not supposed to be on the voter rolls but somehow got his votes counted. This includes the dead (six feet under-ground), teenagers, cartoon characters, non-citizens, armies of body doubles, those pretending to be their grandpa or aunt.

How to achieve a 99% voter participation rate? Have a lax voter roll and have each underground voter mail their ballots in by truckloads. #CountEveryVote. Nobody is going to check. Anybody who contested the election results is racist and the enemy to our People's democracy! Take our word for it since we run the election and we have the judges in our pocket. Bwahahaha.

by XiJinPing June 27, 2021

1👍 3👎


Biden doing Hitler things.

A portmanteau of Hitler and the American Communist Party puppet (Joe) Biden.

Bitler's buddy Xitler, the Chinazi fascist Xi Jin Ping, is also known affectionately as Winnie the Pooh. Bitler loves to brag about the 78 hours of quality time with Xitler ALONE, and he mentioned it again at a Reception for the DNC on Aug 25, 2022. This is TMI for us. Leave us alone! We don't want to hear your authoritarian orgy!

by XiJinPing September 2, 2022

2👍 4👎


Portmanteau of the word 'paid' and 'patriot'. Somebody being paid to act patriotic, especially outside China. Typically actors/demonstrators for hire by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

A group of 40 CCP paidtriots marched to the US consulate in Hong Kong and stepped on the US flag in protest of the US passing the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, which protects the same freedoms including their rights to trample the US flag. Then they collected their money through the agents of the pro-Beijing parties.

by XiJinPing December 4, 2019

11👍 1👎

New Xiland

Xi JinPing's new land, New Zealand. A country near Australia which has embraced red capital and red infiltration and it's now part of People's Republic of China, a fully owned subsidiary of the Chinese Communist Party, whose supreme emperor for life is a yellow object called Winnie the Pooh.

Welcome to New Xiland, previously known as the home of Kiwis. After we sold ourselves to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Xi JinPing is our new leader and People's Republic of China owns all the white slaves. Bow to Winnie the Pooh, chant CCP propaganda and "Xi's Thoughts".

by XiJinPing November 5, 2019

52👍 5👎


The short for "All Communists Are Bad"

Fuck the Chinese Communist Party and anybody who supports them #ACAB

by XiJinPing June 12, 2020

282👍 273👎


All software including apps that furthers the evil agenda of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), such as surveillance, censorship, spreading CCP propaganda (like the latest 'Xi Jing Ping Thoughts' online test required by journalists in China to maintain their license to report).

Before going to Mainland China, make sure you uninstall all apps allowing free speech such as facebook, twitter, instagram, telegram, whatsapp, and load it up with Maoware.

Maoware will uninstall all apps and references to Winnie the Pooh on your devices and all accounts associated with it and replace it with the picture of Xi JinPing.

Ready to contribute to the glorious CCP? Upload information about political dissidents with Maoware and they will be promptly suicided.

Want a new organ transplant and cannot wait for a free donor? Check out the latest Maoware for real-time pricing for fresh human organs at discounts prices available.

by XiJinPing October 23, 2019

11👍 2👎