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Two fingers up

A pose where someone is putting up 2 fingers means they are madly in love with you

Did you see her with two fingers up in that photo? Yeah bro she wanna give you a big ass kiss

by Xl987532667800 June 6, 2022

13👍 3👎

Two fingers up

A pose where someone is holding up 2 fingers mean they are madly in love with you.

Did you see her with two fingers up in that photo? She wanna give you big ass kiss

by Xl987532667800 June 6, 2022

Two fingers up

A pose where someone is putting two fingers up means they are madly in love with you

Did you see her put two fingers up in that photo? Yeah bro she wanna give you a big ass motherfucking kiss

by Xl987532667800 June 6, 2022