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Reverse Lee Harvey Oswald

Shooting someone in a window while outside on the ground/in a car.

Dude 1: Did you hear about that drive by shooting the other day? This guy was just looking out his window, admiring the view, when someone drove up and shot him dead.

Dude 2: Yeah man. That dude got totally Reverse Lee Harvey Oswald'd

by XtRedChaos March 2, 2018

Paying the Dark Price

Shitting your pants.

Dude 1: Hey man thanks for covering my shift while I needed to go to the bathroom.
Dude 2: No problem.
Dude 1: Yeah man if it wasn't for you I would have been paying the dark price and paying for a new pair of jeans too.

by XtRedChaos June 21, 2017