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Cheeky Nandos

When you are out with a group of mates (friends) on the razz getting wankered (in the city getting drunk) and are hank marving (Cockney rhyming slang for staving) and you Say to your mate, (friend) appropriately dressed in chinos and a ralf Lauren polo shirt with a short back and sides hair cut, 'let's go to spoons (whetherspoons -British pub chain, very cheap) and have curry club (a meal deal on a Friday or similar). Smithy (nickname for someone with the surname smith I.e john smith aka smithy) who is a proper ledge (lengend) is like oi lads I've got mulla (money) left on my Nandos gift card I got for Christmas. and the banter train is at full steam ahead (everyone is really excited and having a joke in a semi drunk state and talking about guys things - girls they shagged, people they got into fights with etc.) they have a cheeky Nandos (it's cheeky because they are getting a discount off their friends card or that it wasn't planned since Nandos is generally quite nice and moderate pricing, probably the most expensive cheap night out where you could eat nice food and not make a scene with a group of ten while next to you there were a couple on a date.)

Me and my mates were out on the razz getting smashed and Gaz, proper ledge is like guess what lads, I got my Nandos card! So we head over for a cheeky Nandos

by Xuse May 13, 2015

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