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A place where hicks and rednecks live and hunt at. everyday someone finds out they are related(most of the time the boy and girl have dated and found out from their parents). The teachers, school district, and students are stupid. and most of the people there are posers (that say they arent hicks when they clearly are). they like to hunt poor creatures and like going to farm shows. most people are in the FFA (future farmers of America). Theres also a lot of underage drinkers and druggies. So dont come here if you expect to leave the same way as you came.

Billy Bob: "lata imma go hunting in the woods near Shippensburg and maybe gettin a 8 point buck for dinner."
Jilly bob: "dont forgeet to get enuf to feed the children."

by XxXfearmehbitchXxX January 14, 2011

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