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Straight Pride Month

Essentially the antithesis to Pride Month, and the embodiment of "If they can have it, why can't I!?" Straight Pride month is a month all about celebrating heterosexuality, and how BRAVE they are for being heterosexual in a world of LGBTQ+. Incidentally, it's also stupid bullshit and probably made by the same kind of people who consider "cracker" to be a slur on the same level as the N-word.

Its Straight Pride Month everyone!!
..Dude. Straight Pride Month is bullshit. Why do you need to celebrate being heterosexual if heterosexuality is the supposed norm?
SMH, stop being heterophobic.

by Yarinoi^2 June 1, 2022

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March 25th, 2022

Apparently, the day when new Urban Dictionary definitions just... stopped coming in. I'm serious. On March 25th, it says that only 20 new definitions came in, and after that no more definitions were ever made. I don't know whats going on here, maybe the new Urban Dictionary mods are on strike or whatever. Hope this stops soon.

March 25th, 2022, the day Urban Dictionary stopped making definitions.

by Yarinoi^2 June 1, 2022


Perhaps one of, no, THE greatest piece of media ever created. Largely considered to be the absolute culmination of all of humanity's work in art, Morbius is a movie starring 2,000-time Oscar winner Jared Leto as Doctor Micheal Morbius, a misunderstood soul who gains the curse of vampirism. Morbius is a story of having to confront and control the beasts locked within oneself, a man's struggle to return to normalcy, and what the horrors any regular person can unleash in the right conditions. It is the first movie to ever sell 30 Morbillion tickets, and has an audience score of 2986% and a critic score of 3012% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Avete Morbius.
Avete Morbius.
Avete Morbius.

by Yarinoi^2 June 1, 2022

Elon Musk

Some asshole man-child who happens to be the richest man in the world. Recently bought Twitter to promote transphobia, and is currently trying to be a real life Tony Stark. It just so happens that he is failing miserably at being a real life Tony Stark.

Ugh, did you hear that whole brain thing Elon Musk did with monkeys?
Yeah, I think most of them died. And I heard he's moving onto humans next.

by Yarinoi^2 June 1, 2022

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One Punch Man

A webcomic/manga/anime written by ONE about a man named Saitama who is capable of defeating any enemy in a single punch.
The central theme of the story is that flaws in protagonists are important, and that a protagonist with zero flaws whatsoever is a boring protagonist, but most people always jump to "OMG HE CAN BEAT GOKU!!!!!!111" anytime they see the goddamned bald egghead.


by Yarinoi^2 June 1, 2022

Corporations after June 30th

A phrase referring to many corporations and companies' tendencies to go from all out LGBTQ+ supportive to instantly acting as though LGBTQ+ people aren't a real thing the second Pride Month ends.

Aw man, I was hoping Target would have turned over a new leaf and kept selling pride-themed stuff, but it looks like it's all gone now.
Well that's just Corporations after June 30th, innit?

by Yarinoi^2 June 1, 2022

Corporations after June 30th

A term used to reference how the minute after Pride Month ends, a majority of corporations and other companies who were pretending to be supportive immediately go back to pretending LGBTQ+ people aren't a thing.

Dang, I thought Target would have changed and kept on selling Pride-themed stuff after June, but it looks like its all gone.
Well that's just Corporations after June 30th, innit?

by Yarinoi^2 June 1, 2022