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Skid Bob

Skid Bob is a term you would use when seeing a random ass person that looks like the world would be better off without. It's is a mix of a skidmark of society, much like when you can't get a shit stain out of the toilet, and a random asshole that no one likes. Also some one who talks about random shit, sucks with women, and still says your mom jokes.

*Commonly found amongst the guys wearing vans, mc hammer pants, with a cutoff and a gold chain, also a backwards hat that is placed perpendicularly floating upon the noggin. Also commonly found doublefisting a Juul and a Smirnoff ice*

I don't know who the fuck let this skid bob into the party but you just ruined the whole tempo!

by YoFuckDora August 1, 2018


Sparkle is the term used when wanting a vapor / E-cig product passed to you... as in the Pass Word for the vape is sparkle. When hearing the password you get one honorary hit and then you must pass the vape.

Hey bro I haven't hit the douche flute in a minute... sparkle.

by YoFuckDora August 1, 2018

201👍 136👎

Douche Flute

Douche flute, also a slang term for a vape, came into existence due to the fact that commonly a vape is used by gay douchebag and the flute is due to the association of the instrumental ability to blow fat clouds.

Me: *casually in my room blowing fat clouds*
Mom: "could you please put your fucking douche flute away you cocksucking douchebag"
Me: yes ma'am I'm sorry mom

by YoFuckDora August 1, 2018

208👍 25👎

Douche Flute

Douche flute, also a slang term for a vape, came into existence due to the fact that commonly a vape is used by gay douchebag and the flute is due to the association of the instrumental ability to blow fat clouds.

Me: *casually in my room blowing fat clouds*
Mom: "could you please put you fucking douche flute away you cocksucking douchebag"
Me: yes ma'am I'm sorry mom

by YoFuckDora August 1, 2018

38👍 13👎


When you ready to drown in the pussy but end up swimming through the butt! #Drake

Jonathan, bruh I was smashing Olivia last night, and I could have sworn I had my dick up in her pussy making her feel it in her toes! Turns out It was fucking accidanal! Still gave that bitch some heavenly truffle butter tho!

by YoFuckDora July 22, 2016

84👍 2👎