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A feeling that is indescribable to those who have not felt it, and needs no description to those who have. That desolate feeling of being left out, left behind, and being all alone forever. This not only applies to girlfriends(though they bring the strongest effect) but also major life changes - graduation, deaths, etc... It is that hole that appears in your heart, which cannot be filled by your efforts alone. In such a case, crying occurs and is often encouraged as it heals the soul.

I want to be with her forever, but I know the day is coming where we'll never see each other again

by Yogo540 May 23, 2005

1368👍 146👎


A special type of failure, about 7 levels below failure. Failure so fantastic, it's written about in epic novels.

Man 1: "I heard a nerd asked out a model, what happened?"
Man 2: "Well, first she said no and threw her drink in his face. Then she got her quarterback boyfriend to throw the nerd into a trash can and down some stairs. Then the trash can spontaneously burst into flame and got run over by a marching band."
Man 1: "Dude.....phailure..."

by Yogo540 January 10, 2005

99👍 15👎

Bring out your dead

A classic scene from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" where a man tries to put his living grandpa on the cart of dead bodies.

Old Man:"I feel happppppyyyyy!"
Son:No, you don't. You'll keel over any minute.
Old Man:"I think I'll go for a walk!"
*Son clubs old man and puts him on the cart*

by Yogo540 January 10, 2005

77👍 30👎