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Fruits basket

A touching story that will make you cry, laugh, and get angry. A manga that you can read over and over again without getting bored.

In my opinion, they should have done the entire manga for the fruits basket anime. The first 8 books isn't good enough (this sucks)

by You think I would really tell you? April 10, 2008

48👍 25👎


A very good place for anyone looking for a good education and a good laugh at the same time. Here are some tips to Northerners before you move here:

1: The food is called grits, notice the s, the food is not a grit, it is called grits
2: If you see girls saying "like" every other word, it is prefectly normal
3: If you are over age 10, female, and you like Hannah Montana/ Miley Cyrus stay away from Tennessee
4: Y'all is in the dictionary, get over it
5: 3/4 of the female population in Tennessee is "girly-girl"
so if you came to Tennessee to meet a "tomboy", good luck with that
6: Weather is unpredictable. It snows in April and is over 105 degrees F in October
7: In martial arts, there is almost no karate schools or other martial arts except for Tae kwon Do, you will find about 50 of those
8: There is a McDonalds in almost every town yet barely anybody is overweight
9: "I don't give a crap is just another way of saying, "I didn't much sleep last night"
10: Lastly, if you think you can just move here and be country then you obviously don't know a thing

Random woman at shoneys (northerner): excuse me, is this a grit?
Me (from Tennessee): yes ma'am that is the gritsssssss
Random woman: So that is a grit?
Me: yes ma'am that is the gritsssssss
Random woman: Thank you for showing me what a grit is
Me: -_- no problem

by You think I would really tell you? April 8, 2008

103👍 56👎


A very good place for anyone looking for a good education and a good laugh at the same time. Here are some tips to Northerners before you move here:

1: The food is called grits, notice the s, the food is not a grit, it is called grits
2: If you see girls saying "like" every other word, it is prefectly normal
3: If you are over age 10, female, and you like Hannah Montana/ Miley Cyrus stay away from Tennessee
4: Y'all is in the dictionary, get over it
5: 3/4 of the female population in Tennessee is "girly-girl"
so if you came to Tennessee to meet a "tomboy", good luck with that
6: Weather is unpredictable. It snows in April and is over 105 degrees F in October
7: In martial arts, there is almost no karate schools or other martial arts except for Tae kwon Do, you will find about 50 of those
8: There is a McDonalds in almost every town yet barely anybody is overweight
9: "I don't give a crap is just another way of saying, "I didn't much sleep last night"
10: Lastly, if you think you can just move here and be country then you obviously don't know a thing

Random woman at shoneys (northerner): excuse me, is this a grit?
Me (from Tennessee): yes ma'am that is the gritsssssss
Random woman: So that is a grit?
Me: yes ma'am that is the gritsssssss
Random woman: Thank you for showing me what a grit is
Me: -_- no problem

by You think I would really tell you? April 7, 2008

46👍 31👎


A name that someone gives you because they don't like your real name

Huh... so your name is Robert... boring name, your nickname is now Bob! Hi Bob!

by You think I would really tell you? April 8, 2008

93👍 87👎