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Compound of vengeance and legislation.
Noun. Pronounced \ven-juh-'slay-shun\

1- Legislation designed to punish people of a specific sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, and/or economic class.

2- The enactments of a vengislator or vengislative body.

3- Law(s) that stick it to straight, white, Christian people that have jobs.

Bob the Builder: "This vengislation will make the world fair!"

Multitudes of followers, in unison: "Yes we can!"

by YouAlreadyKnowWhoIAm April 11, 2010

45๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


An immature, small-minded, pathetic creature that becomes a facebook "fan" of someone just so they can spew hateful rhetoric about them and insult the true fans.

"In between welfare checks, the fantagonist made hundreds of posts to a prominent conservative's page."

by YouAlreadyKnowWhoIAm March 26, 2010

50๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Noun- Acronym for Secular Communist Humanist Liberal Evolutionist Progressive.

Sometimes spelled SHLEPP, which is an acronym for Socialist Heathen Leftist Environmentalist Progressive Pagan.

These two acronyms are totally interchangable, adaptable, and modifiable, e.g., one could use SCHLEP as Socialist Commie Heathen Liberal Eviro-fag Pussy, and it would still have the same meaning.

Girl #1: So, did that guy in your Creative Environmental Alarmism class ever ask you out?

Girl #2: You mean the SCHLEP? Yeah, he asked me to go to the Dave Matthews concert, but I told him I'd rather give myself a root canal than ever hear another Dave Matthews song. I doubt that little SHLEPP could satisfy his chihuahua.

by YouAlreadyKnowWhoIAm March 29, 2010

76๐Ÿ‘ 135๐Ÿ‘Ž


Compound of vengeance and legislator.
Pronounced \ven-juh-'slay-tur\

1-One who proposes vengislation.

2- One who drafts vengislation.

3- One who votes to pass vengislation into law.

4- Barack Obama.

Whitey'll get his. When The Vengislator is through with him, he'll be driving a wind-powered go-kart to his death-panel appointment.

by YouAlreadyKnowWhoIAm April 12, 2010

40๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who uses Twitter as a platform to tattle on people.
Usually a thin-skinned nigger.
Sometimes a lying snake.

Great win to day! And 64, you goin have to come harder than some weak racist slurs. Iรขย€ย™m proud of my TattleTwit heritage.......

by YouAlreadyKnowWhoIAm January 8, 2018

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Marley Jacobson

A cruiser bicycle that has a small gasoline engine installed on it.

The rider is usually a dirt-bag pot head with a man-purse slung over his shoulder,

and takes his strip of road out of the middle of your lane.


Wife: What the hell is that?

Husband: An enviro-fag on his Marley Jacobson.

Wife: Is that a purse he's carrying?

Husband: Would you mind if I just took him out with the truck?

by YouAlreadyKnowWhoIAm August 20, 2013

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pronounced \'blah-go\

To go on Glenn Beck in a futile effort to look like the noble character in a given scandal.


"Hi Honey, it's Eric. I'll be home a little early today. Tomorrow I'm going to blago in Manhattan, so could you run my black suit to the cleaners? You're the greatest, baby! See you soon."

by YouAlreadyKnowWhoIAm April 14, 2010

34๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž