Source Code

Boots Men Smog

Just a random phrase you say when you are in the of a exam and everything is quiet.

Boots Men Smog

by YourFriendSteve March 7, 2018

You can beat me bobby ;]

when boob riss bob ross beats his paint brush on a board.

You can beat me bobby ;

by YourFriendSteve March 8, 2018

5👍 8👎

Grass Fed Lemon

A wholesome, GMO free, grassfed, fresh lemon.

oh ya gotta eatnthat xjodwhqipxmck;efgvmgr Grass Fed Lemon

by YourFriendSteve March 7, 2018

Phat Ho

A fat ho

look it's phat ho

by YourFriendSteve March 7, 2018

1👍 2👎


A sloggy woman or man that is good at art and will beat you up if you breathe in his/her presence.

That Tovi is sloggy

by YourFriendSteve March 1, 2018

8👍 4👎