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Kayaking Buddies

People you have gay sex with.

I've got to go, honey, I'm meeting with my kayaking buddies!

by Your_Mother_ September 13, 2016

9👍 2👎


Short for what the heck.

wth is goin on in here, laddies

by Your_Mother_ June 1, 2017

1👍 1👎


Trans slang for a person who hasn't realized they're trans yet. Usually they show telltale behavior of a trans person despite not knowing, like 'ironically' crossdressing or writing shitty fanfiction about trans people. The word comes from the idea that they haven't "cracked out of their shell", like an egg.

Some egg in my drama class just asked me what bottom surgery is.

by Your_Mother_ January 21, 2019

1547👍 293👎