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Shaping, or the slang version "Mike Keithing", is when the shapeshifting master himself, aka Michael Keith, "shapes" into different shapes, items, and the new form of shaping, people. Exhibit A (Michael Keith) has spent many years perfecting the art of shaping by channeling his energy of the shape to preform various acts of "Mike Keithing", such as a giant penis, a toilet with puke in it, controllers of sorts, and the ever popular "Mike Keith tampon". Furthermore Exhibit A is known to shape in the blink of an eye, so watch out for things in your house, car, or even things on your body, as the Shapeshifting Master himself is likely be one of those items.

"I didn't have a costume for Halloween so i channeled my shaping energy to go as an octagon."

by Zaeros November 24, 2008

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