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The left-wing equivalent of the Daily Mail. Despite their occasionally making a valid point, you have to wade through a mountain of bullshit, scientific illiteracy, alarmism, and extremist lies to find it.

"Despite the fact that nuclear power allows France to have the cleanest air in the world, we at Greenpeace are against it anyway beacuse... well isn't it to do with bombs or missiles or something?"

by Zamzara October 11, 2007

314👍 188👎


n. or adj. Something which, by definition, does not exist.
See also woo-woo.

Describing something which is currently unknown as 'supernatural' is an easy way to avoid finding out real answers about the world.

by Zamzara October 10, 2007

101👍 144👎

Jingly Keys

1. A pleasing visual and acoustic distraction.
2. Therefore, metaphorically, an answer that tries to draw attention away from a difficult probing question, as if jingling some keys, especially when employed by a simple person who assumes that the questioner will be easily distracted.

1. I love the sound of jingly keys.
2. "You said last month that all Muslims should be banned from the US? Then you said you thought a Muslim was one of our finest citizens. Now you're saying the ban was a good idea again. Is this entirely consistent?"

"This is typical of people who hate America. We need strong leadership, Obama should resign."
"Nice try with the jingly keys sir, but I'd like an answer."

by Zamzara June 13, 2016


adj. Concerned with trendy, liberal, or faddish causes, especially alarmist environmentalism and anti-capitalism. An activity or product is described as sustainable if it promotes a hippy agenda, regardless of whether the activity in question has any particular ability to be sustained over a long time period or not.

Fair trade coffee is a sustainable brand.

by Zamzara October 9, 2007

53👍 92👎

piss de résistance

The lowest point, or worst feature of something.

I've seen some bad artwork in this museum, but this last item really is the piss de résistance.

by Zamzara May 2, 2011

7👍 2👎

the sun

British comic, largely obsessed with keeping the public outraged, and at the same time titillated, by over-the-top stories about child sexual abuse. The Sun also occasionally features articles on football, Britney Spears, foreigners, and benefit claimants. Often contains rants against 'pervs', which is rather ironic given The Sun's joint role as soft pornography.
(see also Daily Mail)

"My romp with pikey perv footballer", only in The Sun

by Zamzara October 9, 2007

135👍 16👎

For entertainment purposes only

Fake. Used in particular by purported 'reality' television programmes to allow them to present fictional material without having to explicitly label it as such or incur regulatory liability.

'Haunting Evidence' is for entertainment purposes only.

by Zamzara January 10, 2015

29👍 9👎