Source Code

Bat Cave

Your place of residence you do not want to bring a fat, ugly or possible psychotic chick/dude home to fuck. cause they might just show up uninvited on day.

person1: so what are you going to do?

person2: I'm not sure I want to fuck, but there's no way I'm taking him/her back to the bat cave

by Zeal1 May 13, 2008

53👍 61👎

charlie baltimore

used in the military, it means to be a cock blocker.

Man 1:Dude, I cant belive Dan would move in on that girl i was talking to.

Man 2:I know he's such a charlie baltimore!

by Zeal1 April 28, 2008

12👍 5👎

charlie baltimore

used in the military, it means to be a cock blocker.

Man 1:Dude, I cant belive Dan would move in on that girl i was talking to.

Man 2:I know he's such a charlie baltimore!

by Zeal1 April 28, 2008

8👍 5👎