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A black male or female under the age of 10

ZerO: That little nigglett is really fast, look at him run from those cops. He cant be any taller than 4 foot.

by ZerO874 June 11, 2005

219👍 57👎

sheet head

What one calls a man or woman of arabic religion. Similar to a towel head.

Look at akmed, what a fucking sheet head

by ZerO874 June 11, 2005

26👍 12👎


verb. What A-rabs from fort say when they want to emphasize that they are telling the truth.

Akmed: Your such a liar.

Muhammed: Wella, im telling you wella.

by ZerO874 June 11, 2005

17👍 31👎


Usually means a small boy that looks the opposite of a greaser, or tough guy. Someone that gets called a fag alot. Usually has red hair.

ZerO: ha, look at that curly over there, i bet he has reb pubes!

by ZerO874 June 12, 2005

15👍 23👎