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He's the BIGGEST Bollywood fanboy you'll ever come across

His dances and singing will make any girl fall in LoVe😍👌
He's also the smartest and sweetest person you'll ever come across but if you mess with him he ain't ever gonna hold back from being salty😔😙

Veer should definitely get the next debut in soty4 😉😉

by Zozozo123456 June 26, 2020

13👍 7👎


The breaking point of a person in pain which leads them to laugh hysterically which may make them look like a psychopath leading to their admission in a mental ward

Jenny went gugula after her boyfriend broke up with her to get with her mom

by Zozozo123456 October 14, 2020


The breaking point of a person in pain which leads them to laugh hysterically which may make them look like a psychopath leading to their admission in a mental ward

Jenny went gugula after her boyfriend broke up with her to get with her mom

by Zozozo123456 October 14, 2020


Yuvna is the sexiest Randi out of them all. She's frankly 2 kool for skool but her taste in guys sucks ass
Her most striking feature is definetly her ass and everyone wants to tap dat😎🍑

You see that girl yuvna with her friend zoya, man they're so gay

by Zozozo123456 April 25, 2020

7👍 3👎


Nitya is everyones spirit animal
She can write an encyclopedia on tik tok boys and somehow can make you like them too
She's also a very dumb gal cause she doesn't ever realise how amazing she is💘❤️💖💘💗💘

Nitya please change your middle name from self depreciating to amazing 😔

by Zozozo123456 June 26, 2020

18👍 11👎

Arshia Mago

She sucks

Arshia Mago sucks! But I love her <3

by Zozozo123456 December 6, 2021


Adbhut is a very cool dude. As you can see he has 2 first names and well his first name describes him the best as he is very special boy👌👌
His meme game is strong asf 💪💪 and he don't ever simp for no one

Adbhut keeps blaming Zoya for stealing his memes 😔

by Zozozo123456 June 25, 2020