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1: A black and white mammal. The most popular source of milk. Some people eat cows, but there is a movement of people who go against this. These people are vegetarians, and they don't eat ANY type of meat. There is also a movement of people who don't eat meat or anything produced from an animal (including cow milk), due to the amount of abuse the animals or the animals' children go through. For example, to get a cow to milk it must have babys, but the farmers want extra money and need more milk, so they kill the baby cows and sell their meat.

2: A Sony fanboy. These people like the {PS2 and PSP more then other systems. They tend to say negitive things about other consoles.

1:Vegetarian "I can't believe people kill cows for food!"
Meat eater: "Well it tastes friggin' good!"

2: Tim: "Yesterday some cow dissed me and my bro 'cause we were playing a multiplayer
Super Mario 64 DS game, but we dissed him back!"
Jack: "Same thing happened to me yesterday, only we were playing Meteos!"

by Zsky2 July 30, 2005

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1: (N) A brain washer. Most teachers, school "gang" leaders, and tv stations fall under this category.

See Bwash

2: (N) An advertising company, one who creates propaganda.
"I warn you, that's what they wan't you to think, that's what they're paid to do, they're bwashers!"

The bwashers over at McDonalds want people to think they're now selling healthy meals like salads, what you don't see is what they actually put in the salads.

by Zsky2 October 4, 2006


1: (N) A brain washer. Most teachers, school "gang" leaders, and tv stations fall under this category.

See Bwash

2: (N) An advertising company, one who creates propaganda.

"I warn you, that's what they wan't you to think, that's what they're paid to do, they're bwashers!"

"The bwashers over at McDonalds want people to think they're now selling healthy meals like salads, what you don't see is what they actually put in the salads.

by Zsky2 September 30, 2006

The Urbz

The urban version of the popular simulation game The Sims for the Game Cube, Xbox, and Playstation 2 (PS2). Two other versions were made, a version for the GBA, and a port (A direct copy with a few extra additions) was made for the Nintendo DS, but it wasn't as good as the other Nintendo DS games and the DS version of Animal Crossing, a hit game for the Gamecube that was released in 2002. This version of The Sims is more focused on urban culture. All of the Urbz are devided into different groups, each with their own "district". There are around 9 groups on the GCN, PS2, and Xbox systems that include but are not limited to the sk8ers of Kicktail Park.

Person A: "Do you like The Sims?"
Person B: "Kinda, it's not urban enough, the Sims remind me of my parents."
Person A: "Why don't you get The Urbz then?"

by Zsky2 July 29, 2005

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A puppy simulator for the Nintendo DS. The game is extremely popular, scored a 9.1 at Gamespot and a perfect 40/40 from the famous Japanese gaming magazine, Famitzu. It comes in three versions, each with different starting dogs. You end up unlocking all dogs from the other versions. The game has been considered "kiddie" by some, esspecially those who never played it, do to Nintendog's horrible TV ads. Sony fan boys hated how popular the game was, and wrote a large amount of fake reviews on Amazon.com (One was written by "one of the girls who did the commercial", another was horribley racist against Japanese.), it also caused a DS to be vandalized in an EB games store, as reported on the Nintendo forums. Nintendo put alot of work into the game, which includes voice regonition, which includes 18 dogs, an almost endless amount of items, and loads of tricks. It still won't appeal to everyone.

"My Nintendog is wearing a Spiked collar! Tight!"

by Zsky2 August 28, 2005

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