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An acronymn for the nintendo console, Gamecube.

Girl: I just bought a GCN
Guy: Only tarts use acronymns, dork
Girl: ....*runs off to the brothel*
Guy: *shakes head*

by K_C June 20, 2006

53👍 11👎


GCN is a gaming clan founded by Dr.Gummi and fishing master. Other notable members are doc, krose, dopachina and coutt.

Shiiiet have u heard wuz goin on with GCN mayn? Them younglins be strugglin mayn for real!

by paulus millerius July 24, 2023

3👍 1👎


Short for global coward network. Formed when groups of cowards band together to protect their fragile shared self-concept. Often related to toxic masculinity, where men are raised to present a dominating and macho exterior, but where the majority cannot back it up. They police the space, maintaining the coward environment, ironically, calling those who don't conform, cowards! They are often unaware that they are part of making the world a shitty place, keeping the bar low for themselves and others like them. Identified by calling them out when they are alone and the look of terror on their face and whining like a child. See five monkeys experiment.

Show me you are a part of the GCN without telling me.

They were part of the GCN and thought that pulling involved getting someone drunk and gaslighting them to get them to sleep with them. Other members of the GCN also felt this was the best way to score, as they lacked actual social skills, so supported this approach in order to maintain their ability to fell like a success.

by Get over it, coward May 27, 2024