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SOuth Africa

Influenced by the Africaan/Dutch origins, Seth Efricans have a MAJOR chip on their shoulder. Stereotyped as arrogant and aggressive they certainly live up to the image...and are notoriuosly racist.....not to mention the most disgraceful accent on planet earth, sounds as God spent the seventh day taking the english language and putting it in a blender instead of resting....

South africa maybe a beautiful country but boy don't the citizens let it down

by a-nony-mouse September 1, 2005

89👍 356👎


A nation that invented Football for the Brazilians, Cricket for the Aussies, Rugby for the Kiwis and Robbie Williams for the Gays

Hears to you Britain, shining ginger-headed pimple of the Atlantic

by a-nony-mouse September 2, 2005

1402👍 447👎