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A substance often found on sugar cubes or tiny pieces of paper. Less commonly found on sour patch kids, or starburst. When taken orally, effects are generally produced within 60 minutes and can last up to 14 hours. A wonderful experience, but fucking brutal on the body and mind for days afterwords. If dosing hard, expect after effects for up to 7 days, and expect your back and neck to feel like fucking shit for a while also. A serious drug not to be taken lightheartedly. Acid will take you deep to the core of it. yeah. Don't listen to the fucking hippies who are like "dude i like tripped out so hard and watched this building breathe dude, I love acid" those people don't even know what the fuck they are doing to themselves. Its more like "wow I am so lucky to even be drinking this fucking glass of water, acid made me realize how small and insignificant I am to the cosmos, but yet made me appreciate love and life so much more, I'm going to call my mom and tell her I love her right now...' Can be a painful, awkward, and brutal experience, Usually tho it is worth it.

Lily took acid yesterday for the first time and realized that her entire conception of herself was a bunch of bullshit, and that she was a mean girl, and had her world fucking shattered, but it was a ton of fun in the process and now she is a better person for it.

by acidtripper November 20, 2011

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