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Anyone with the last name "Pillaro" is super sweet with cute dimples. He probably likes gaming and sweets.

Person 1: Hey! Did you see that dude last night? I think his last name was Pillaro.

Person 2: Yeah, he had so many bitches on his dick it's insane.

by acw December 25, 2021

rebel yell

1.A high pitched yell, often shouted by Confederate Soldiers during the American Civil War. Was known to terrify the enemy.

2.A lower end bourbon which cheap drunks, high school and college students, and people who just want to get drunk buy. Isn't the best tasting whiskey in the world but it's much less expensive than Jack or Jim.

1.The Confederate soldiers emitted a high-pitched Rebel Yell as they assaulted the Union position.

2.I just bought a fifth of Rebel Yell because I was too broke to afford Jim Beam Black.

by acw December 19, 2003

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