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1. a white person who acts as a nigger. 2. a white person who is trying to be black. 3. any white caucasian person.

the wigger thought he had a huge penis.

by addake December 2, 2018

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a sensory neuron

a sensorineuron that is autonomously activated is the cause of a hallucination

by addake October 16, 2019

iceberg effect

a fat person who takes a foto of themselves and he or she looks normal size according to their face picture, but when you meet them in person they are fat and obese.

she was so pretty on tinder, but the iceberg effect was very real, as she was an obese gordita in person.

by addake August 21, 2019

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1. an asian nigger. 2. an asian person who tries to act black or like a nigger. 3. any asian human.

this person from china is now an aigger, especially here in the united states of america.

by addake December 2, 2018

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a man-made concept often used to explain something that humanity does not yet understand.

god is a noun

1. god created man is a belief for many people only because they did know the science of evolution. 2. the idea that jesus is the son of god is only believed because there was no record of who jesus's father was.

by addake December 1, 2018

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kid can also be a sperm cell, since a sperm cell is living and even has a flagellum. so sperm will like and enjoy water and even the ocean and the sea. especially when it can not find an ova.

a kid can be haploid, since a sperm cell is haploid

I went to a beach in bahamas with nimisha and she and I had sex. I engaged in coitus interrupus and my kids were set free.

and thus liberated via the ocean.

by addake March 22, 2019

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hanging my head down.

exhausted and tired, i am hmhd.

by addake December 23, 2018