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so drunk you want to get naked

Jon: WOOOO..lets get wasted!
Dave: Nah man..LETS GET STRIPSY!!!
Crowd of party goers: WOOOO!!!

by afrodude007 June 22, 2007

42👍 41👎


1.So hard core that it breaks the rules of spelling.

2.really really really really Crim.

(note that the word is pronounced as "hard" without an a sound and "core" without an o sound)

Bill: Hey Jim did you see that new video for Waking the Cadaver's new song?
Jim: yea that was sooo HRDCR!!!

by afrodude007 June 22, 2007

1👍 1👎


Awesome, radical, kool, sweet, ubber, and chill all in one word

James: Dude this party is crim.
Austin: hell yea it is!

by afrodude007 June 22, 2007

5👍 33👎