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chopped & screwed

Music that has been adjusted or edited so that grandpa won't feel uncomfortable listening to it. Less bounce per ounce.

There's also a chopped & screwed version so that you people with absolutely no energy can still comfortably attempt to mingle with the angst-ridden youth.

by agentlovelette August 24, 2006

31👍 110👎


A time period between 1988-92 during which there was mass confusion caused by the overlapping of 80's freestyle and 90's r&b music. It affected all areas of media and fashion. Most of the songs from the period are confusing when trying to guess what decade its from.

a: milli vanilli sucks
b: thats cos theyre from the gayhties
a: oh yeah

by agentlovelette September 12, 2006

put some weight on it

To increase the volume or strength of something.

Damn this Blowfly track is hot, put some weight on it.

by agentlovelette August 25, 2006

9👍 2👎